Monday, May 30, 2016

Teks Story Telling - Roro Jonggrang

Hai sobat? kali ini aku mau membagikan sebuah cerpen bahasa inggris yang sangat cocok untuk dibuat story telling. karena memang ini teks untuk story telling. hehehe
oke, langsung aja..
selamat membaca..


Long time ago, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. All the people of Prambanan lived peacefully. But then, Prambanan kingdom was attacked and occupied by the Pengging kingdom. Prambanan then was ruled by Bandung Bondowoso of Pengging kingdom. He was a mean king. He also had great supernatural power. His soldiers were not only humans, but also genies.

The king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter named Loro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. “You’re very beautiful. Would you be my queen?” asked Bandung Bondowoso. Loro Jonggrang was shocked. She didn’t like Bandung Bondowoso because he was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. Then, she came up with a plan. “If you want to marry me, you have to build a thousand temples for me in just one night," said Loro Jonggrang. “What? That’s impossible!” said Bandung Bondowoso. But he did not give up. He consulted with his advisor. “Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built the temples,” said the advisor.

So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him built a thousand temples. The genies worked in unbelievable speed. Meanwhile, Loro Jonggrang heard from her servant that the building of a thousand temples was almost finished. She was so worried. But again, she came up with a great idea. She asked all of her servants to help her. "Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!" said Loro Jonggrang. “Burn the straw and make some noise pounding the mortar, quickly.” All those servants did what Loro Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and pounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise.

“It’s already dawn. We have to go,” said the leader of the genies to Bandung Bondowoso. All the genies immediately stopped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. They didn’t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun.

Bandung Bondowoso can’t stop the genies from leaving. He was angry. He knew Loro Jonggrang had just tricked him. "You cannot fool me, Loro Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple." He pointed his finger to Loro Jonggrang and said some mantras. Magically, Loro Jonggrang’s body turned into stone. Until now, the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. And the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple..

The End

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Teks Story Telling - CINDELARAS

Sumber Gambar :

Raden Putra was the king of Jenggala kingdom. He had a beautiful queen and concubine. Unlike the queen, the concubine had bad personalities. She was envious and jealous with the queen, so she planned to make the queen leave the palace. The concubine then asked the royal healer to help her in her plan. One day, the concubine pretended to be ill. Raden Putra called the royal healer to give the concubine treatments. “What is her disease?” Raden Putra asked the royal healer. “I’m very sorry, My Majesty. She is sick because the queen put poison in her meal,” the royal healer lied.

Raden Putra was shock and angry to hear the explanation. He called the queen and asked her if the story was true. Of course the queen denied, but Raden Putra won’t listen. “Please Your Majesty, have mercy. I really didn’t do anything,” cried the queen in her tears. Raden Putra’s anger ended in a decision. The queen should be banished to the woods and terminated. He did not know that the queen was already pregnant. Raden Putra commanded one of his general to do the punishment. The queen was banished to the woods, but the wise general didn’t have the heart to kill her. He built a simple house in the woods for her. On his way back to the palace, he smeared his sword with rabbit blood, so Raden Putra would believe that he had killed the queen.

After the general left, the queen lived by herself in the woods. Several months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The baby was named Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice, healthy, and handsome boy. One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some fire woods, an eagle dropped an egg. Cindelaras brought the egg to be brooded by a chicken behind their house. The egg hatched into a chick and then it slowly became a strong rooster. The rooster is no ordinary rooster. The rooster could sing. Every morning, the rooster woke Cindelaras up with its beautiful song, “My master is Cindelaras. His house is in the woods. He’s the son of Raden Putra.” The rooster often sang that song.

Cindelaras always woke up early in the morning and listen happily to his rooster’s song. He didn’t realize the meaning of the song until one day, he started to think. “Who is Raden Putra?” he asked his mother. The queen then told him the whole story. She also told him why they were banned from the kingdom and lived in the woods. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided to go to the palace to meet the king, his father. Cindelaras asked her mother’s permission to go to the kingdom and to tell the king what really happened. He also brought his rooster that grew bigger and stronger each day.

On his way, Cindelaras stopped at a village. There, he met some people who were involved in cockfighting. They challenge him to see how strong his rooster was. “If your rooster wins, you’ll get a reward,” said the man who challenged him. Cindelaras accepted the challenge. In a few minutes, his rooster defeated the opponent’s rooster. He was challenged again by other man, and one more time, his rooster won. He won again and again.

The news about Cindelaras’ rooster quickly spread to the whole Jenggala kingdom and made Raden Putra curious. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace. “What is your name, boy?” Raden Putra asked as Cindelaras arrived in the palace. “My name is Cindelaras, Your Majesty,” Cindelaras answered. He felt both thrilled and happy to see Raden Putra.

Raden Putra challenged Cindelaras with one condition. If Raden Putra’s rooster won, Cindelaras’ head would be cut off. But if Cindelaras’ rooster won, Raden Putra would share half of his wealth. Cindelaras accepted the condition. The competition was held in the front yard of the palace. The two roosters fought bravely. But in just a few minutes, Cindelaras’ rooster won the fight! Raden Putra shook his head and stared at Cindelaras from his seat, “That rooster is no ordinary rooster, and the boy is not an ordinaty boy either. Who is he exactly?” he thought. Raden Putra was about to asked when suddenly Cindelaras’ rooster sang the song, “My master is Cindelaras. His house is in the woods. He’s the son of Raden Putra.”

Raden Putra was surprised. “Is it true?” he asked. “Yes, My Majesty. My name is Cindelaras and my mother was the queen,” said Cindelaras. Raden putra called the general who had banished the queen. The general then confessed that he never killed the queen. Later, the royal healer also admitted his mistake. Raden Putra was so shocked. He immediately went to the woods to pick up the queen. Ever since, Cindelaras and his parents lived happily together. As for the concubine, she was sent to the jail as punishment.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kompetisi Menulis Artikel #CintaDalamKata IDNtimes.Com

Tema tulisan :
  • Seputar persoalan cinta dari yang bikin kamu galau sampai yang bisa bikin kamu mabuk kepayang, bahagia,dan senyum-senyum sendiri! 
  • Kamu boleh membuat artikel dalam bentuk surat terbuka, tips, humor, motivasi, inspirasi dan apapun tentang cinta seperti artikel-artikel yang ada di & Kamu juga boleh mengambil dari pengalaman pribadimu, lho!

Topik pilihan menulis :
  1. Kisah kasih di SMA (High school love story, pacaran backstreet, cinta sama adik/kakak kelas, dll)
  2. Cinta di masa lalu (Mantan terindah, mantan yang ke laut aja, mantan yang terus kasih harapan palsu, dll
  3. Perjuangan cinta (LDR, cinta beda agama, cinta berat di ongkos, tidak disetujui oleh orang tua, dll)
  4. Jodoh di masa depan (Sosok pasangan ideal, harapan untuk menemukan cinta, dll).
  5. Cinta untuk keluarga atau sahabat (Cinta ke orang tua, anak, sahabat, kenapa orang tuamu adalah orang tua terbaik, dll)
  6. Move on dari putus cinta (Kisah diputusin, si dia selingkuh, perjuangan move on, tips untuk melupakan mantan, dll)
  7. Cinta diam-diam atau bertepuk sebelah tangan (Jadi pengagum rahasia, cinta ditolak, si dia lebih pilih yang lain, dll)

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
  1. Kompetisi menulis #CintaDalamKata  terbuka untuk umum. Setiap peserta boleh mengirimkan tulisan yang berbeda maksimal 7 karya tulis.
  2. Karya tulis asli hasil karyamu sendiri. Bila terbukti melakukan plagiarisme, maka akan didiskualifikasi.
  3. Tidak mengandung unsur SARA, hate speech, dan komersil.
  4. Baru dan belum pernah dipublikasikan di media manapun.
  5. Ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia berkisar antara 300 - 800 kata.  
  6. Boleh ditulis dalam bentuk narasi atau listicle.
  7. Wajib menyertakan minimal 3 foto pendukung di dalam artikel.
  8. Foto pendukung dalam artikel harus berdimensi minimal 800 x 650 pixel dan wajib menyertakan URL sumber foto tersebut.
  9. IDN Media ( dan berhak menyunting artikel kiriman penulis, baik judul, isi, maupun gambar pendukung (jika diperlukan)
  10. IDN Media ( dan berhak untuk mempublikasikan artikel yang dikirim di situs, aplikasi, dan/atau untuk keperluan lainnya.
  11. Setiap artikel yang terbit di dan akan disertai nama penulisnya, namun penulis memberikan hak copyright kepada IDN Media dan artikel tersebut akan menjadi hak milik dari IDN Media yang menaungi dan
  12. Dengan mengikuti kompetisi ini, peserta telah membaca dan menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan.

Penilaian :
  1. Penilaian lomba hanya dari pihak, bukan
  2. setiap hari akan menerbitkan hasil karya tulis terbaik di website dan (namun bukan berarti artikel tersebut lolos ke babak final)       
  3. Penilaian akan dilakukan oleh tim juri editorial 
  4. akan memlih 20 artikel terbaik yang akan lolos ke babak final pada tanggal 20 - 25 Juni 2016
  5. Pengumuman finalis akan diumumkan melalui Facebook dan Twitter pada tanggal 20 Juni 2016
  6. Artikel yang telah diterbitkan sebelum periode babak final (20 - 25 Juni),  belum tentu otomatis lolos ke babak final.
  7. Penilaian pada babak penyisihan: 100% kualitas artikel
  8. Penilaian babak final: 50% kualitas artikel, 30% jumlah pageviews, 20% jumlah shares
  9. Kualifikasi penilaiannya karya tulis:  Judul dan ide tulisan yang menarik, struktur penulisan yang baik, gambar pendukung yang bagus dan relevan dengan isi artikel
  10. Keputusan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
  11. Pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan di Facebook dan Twitter IDNtimes pada tanggal 30 Juni 2016
  12. Pengiriman artikel :
    • Kirim artikelmu dalam format Microsoft Word / Google Docs
    • Subject email : #CintaDalamKata_Nama Lengkap_JudulArtikel
    • Sertakan identitas lengkap dalam emailmu (Nama lengkap, TTL, alamat tempat tinggal, nomor telepon, dan email).
Time Line :
  • Pengiriman artikel   : 14 Mei - 18 Juni 2016
  • Babak final  :  20 - 25 Juni 2016
  • Pengumuman pemenang  :  30 Juni 2016
Hadiah Lomba :
  • Juara 1  :  Rp 1.000.000
  • Juara 2  :  Rp 700.000
  • Juara 3  :  Rp 500.000
  • Juara 4  :  Rp 300.000
  • Juara 5  :  Rp 250.000
  • Juara 6  :  Rp 250.000

Info Lebih Lanjut Hubungi :
Website :
Facebook :
Twitter : @idntimes

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Lomba Menulis Puisi Tema “Dunia Rapuh Anak-Anak” Poetry for Life

Tema Poetry for Life 2016: “Dunia Rapuh Anak-Anak”.

Beberapa waktu terakhir ini berita kekerasan terhadap anak-anak kian banyak bermunculan. Lebih miris lagi adalah kasus-kasus di luar nalar seperti pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan dengan cara keji terhadap anak-anak. Anak-anak seharusnya adalah lambang kesucian dan kemurnian jiwa. Setiap manusia pasti tersentuh hatinya melihat keluguan anak-anak, pasti timbul kasihnya pada makhluk titipan Tuhan ini. Karena itu siapapun yang sanggup menyakiti anak-anak, bahkan tega berbuat keji, pantas dipertanyakan sungguhkah ia seorang manusia?

Program Poetry for Life kali ini diadakan untuk mengajak masyarakat kembali merenungkan mengapa kekerasan pada anak masih terjadi, bahkan dalam bentuk-bentuk yang semakin keji. Mengapa dunia anak-anak ternyata sangat rapuh dan rentan terhadap kekerasan. Mari tunjukkan sikap. Segala penindasan kepada anak-anak harus ditolak, serukan cinta kasih agar dunia anak-anak kembali berwarna. 
Mulailah dari diri sendiri untuk menyadari betapa pentingnya anak-anak bagi masa depan. Rasakan segala cinta dan luka yang harus dialami anak-anak ini. Tuangkan segala kisah inspiratif, rasa cinta dan empati, semangat melindungi atau bahkan harapan untuk kebahagiaan anak-anak ini. Maka sambil berdoa demi masa depan anak-anak bangsa, menulislah sekarang! Menulislah untuk membuka hati kita, menumbuhkan cinta kita dan selalu terjemahkanlah di dunia nyata. Anak-anak harus dicintai dan dijaga dengan segenap hati.

III. Syarat dan Ketentuan
– Satu penulis diperbolehkan mengirim puisi maksimal 2 judul
– Bentuk puisi bebas.
– Diketik dalam file Microsoft Word, A4, Font Times New Roman 12, spasi 1.5
– Panjang puisi maks. 3 halaman
– Sertakan biodata narasi singkat di lembar terakhir. Dan boleh juga tambahkan doa dan harapan bagi anak-anak Indonesia (maksimal 100 kata)
– Cantumkan nama asli lengkap dan alamat lengkap untuk pengiriman hadiah buku. Usahakan selengkap mungkin agar tidak terjadi kesalahan pengiriman.
Cara Pendaftaran:
– Membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 60.000,- 
– Melakukan transfer ke rekening Bank Mandiri No. 1320014920103 atas nama Mulyana
– File karya dan bukti transfer dikirim melalui email ke
(Subject: PFL – Nama Penulis)
– Batas akhir pendaftaran dan pengiriman karya adalah 31 Juli 2016

Apabila puisi yang terpilih memenuhi syarat dari segi kualitas dan kuantitas, maka direncanakan akan diterbitkan menjadi sebuah buku Antologi Puisi yang akan dicetak terbatas.

Hadiah :

Pemenang I:
Uang tunai Rp 1.000.000,-
1 buku Antologi Puisi
e-Book Antologi Puisi

Pemenang II:
Uang tunai Rp 500.000,-
1 buku Antologi Puisi
e-Book Antologi Puisi

Pemenang III:
Uang tunai Rp 250.000,-
1 buku Antologi Puisi
e-Book Antologi Puisi

e-Book Antologi Puisi

Selain pemenang dan kontributor, seluruh peserta yang mendaftar juga akan mendapat sebuah buku kumpulan puisi/cerpen atau novel (judul bebas tergantung ketersediaan), tanpa biaya kirim lagi.
Segera kirimkan karyamu!

Sebarluaskan kepedulian dan kecintaan kita pada anak-anak. Satu peningkatan kesadaran pada diri manusia, berarti mengurangi potensi kekerasan pada anak. 

Info dan kontak Penyelenggara :

Lomba Menulis Cerpen Tema "Cafe" bersama Nahima Indie Press

1. Berteman dengan Nahima Press ( ) dan menyukai fanpage Penerbit Nahima Press (WAJIB)
2. Penulis bergabung dengan grup Nulis Bareng Nahima Press  (WAJIB)
3. Berteman dengan PJ : Muhamad Budiman  dan PJ Dwi Mariska S :
4. Membuat catatan/status mengenai informasi ini di Facebook dengan menandai 20 orang teman termasuk akun Nahima dan 2 akun PJ.
5. Event ini berlangsung seama 1 bulan penuh. Mulai 18 Mei s.d. 18 Juni 2016 (DL : 18 Juni 2016 pukul 23:59 WIB)

1. Naskah berupa cerpen, dengan panjang naskah 3-5 halaman.
2. Ukuran kertas A4 dengan margin 4cm-4cm-3cm-3cm  (atas-kiri-bawa h-kanan), Justify.
3. Font : Times New Roman 12pt, spasi 1,5.
4. Naskah merupakan karya asli. Bukan merupakan jiplakan atau hasil mencontek.
4. Sertakan biodata narasi di akhir naskah maksimal 50 kata.
5. Simpan naskah dengan format .doc , dengan nama file : Nama Penulis_Judul Cerpen_Cafe (Contoh : Muhamad Budiman_Toilet Cafe yang Misterius_Cafe)
6. Kirim ATTACHMENT naskah cerpen (bukan di badan email, ya) ke akun email : dwisarmiwika23@ dengan judul email sesuai nama file.
7. Boleh mengirimkan maksimal 2 naskah.

● JUARA 1 : Voucher penerbitan 200rb + sertifikat cetak + diskon 10% setiap pembelian bukunya
● JUARA 2 : Voucher penerbitan 150rb + sertifikat cetak + diskon 10% setiap pembelian bukunya
● JUARA 3 : Voucher penerbitan 100rb + sertifikat cetak + diskon 10% setiap pembelian bukunya
● Untuk seluruh kontributor yang lolos dalam event ini akan mendapatkan e-sertifikat dan diskon 10% setiap pembelian bukunya
NB : Keputusan juri dan PJ tidak bisa diganggu gugat

Untuk informasi dan tanya jawab hubungi:
Email :
Line : muhbudiman
BBM : 5EB968AD (Dwi Mariska S)
Web :

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Naskah Drama Ande-ande Lumut Bahasa Inggris

Ande-ande Lumut
Once upon a time there were 2 kingdoms, they were Kediri and Jenggala. To avoid war between the two kingdoms, the kings wanted their son and daughter got married. But the mistress of Kediri Kingdom didn’t like it. Then, the mistress of Kediri Kingdom kidnapped the princess of Jenggala, named by princess of Sekartaji and put curses on her. The prince of Kediri got really angry that he went away to find her.
One day nearby the forest, the prince and his guard, boncel was looking for princess of sekartaji. They were so confused at the time till it made them struck each other. And unintentionally, the prince got shoot because boncel was bringing a gun,
Pangeran         : boncel, where are you?
Boncel             : my prince... where are you?
Pangeran         : aaargghhh….are you kidding me?
Boncel             : hehe. I’m sorry my prince. I didn’t know that you’re behind me
Pangeran         : gosh... look, i wanna ask you something
Boncel             : what’s that?
Pangeran         : why are there no animals and houses here?
Boncel             : you’re right. It’s so quiet right here. Where are we anyway?
Pangeran         : why do you ask me?! Like i know it.
Suddenly, it appeared a woman who was looking for woods.
Pangeran         : who the hell is that?
Boncel             : IDK, my prince.
Without further ado, the prince and boncel directly came to her
Pangeran         : excuse me, maam
But the woman was too busy looking for something on the ground until it’s like no voice around her.
Pangeran         : excuse me, maam
Ibu                   : oh my, sorry i didn’t hear you just now. Who are you anyway?
Pangeran         : i’m a wanderer, maam. Anyway, what’s the name of this place?
Ibu                   : this is dadapan village, boy. What are you doing here?
Pangeran         : well, actually i’m lost.
Ibu                   : oh my god... how about following me and staying in my house while recovering your injury?
Pangeran         : oh yes mam, with my pleasure.
Then the woman brought them into her house and invited them staying there for a while until the prince’s injury recovered because he needed more time for that. Also he hid his identity as the prince of kediri kingdom.
Ibu                   : anyway, what’s your name?
Pangeran         : emmmmmm….
Ibu                   : I’m sorry, I know that it’s sick
Several weeks later. Due to that event, the woman whose named bu rodiyah consider the prince as her own son and gave him a new name, named by Ande-andelumut. Actually burodiyah didn’t know that he was the prince of Kediri kingdom.
Ibu                     : well, because you have stayed here for a long time, let me give you a new name, Ande-andelumut.
Pangeran           : wow that’s great name mom, thank you
Meanwhile, princess sekartaji that was kidnapped and putin huts was found by mbok rondo, a widow who had 2 daughters. Then mbok rondo adopted her and gave her a name klentingkuning.
K Merah          : kuning! Hurry up! I’m starving here!
K Biru             : gosh, why is it so long?
K Kuning        : i..i’m sorry. I just finished it.
Then K Kuning put the foods on the dining table
K Merah          : gosh, what the hell are you doing there?
K Kuning        : i’m extremely sorry about it
K Biru             : cih, that’s really sucks
K Kuning        : once again, i’m sorry.
Mbok Rondo   : okay, it’s okay. Next time, cook faster. We’ve been very hungry.
K Kuning        : okay, mom.
Then they ate together. A few minutes later, they went to the market.
Mbok Rondo   : K Kuning, go get household needs! I’m gonna get some dress with your sisters.
K Kuning        : okay mom. Can i get one too?
Mbok rondo    : what?! No, no,no. Yours is still fine i think.
K Merah          : pffftt, what a day...
K Biru             : a beast no needs dresses, you fucker
Mbok Rondo   : okay stop. Let’s go.

Then they were separated. KlentingKuning went to get the household needs while the others went to look for dresses. Unexpectedly, they heard girls talked about something interesting.
Gadis 1            : hey, do you know that there is a very handsome guy in the next village?
Gadis 2            : really? Who is he?
Gadis 1            : his name is ande-andelumut. The adopt child of a wealth lady, burodiyah.
Gadis 2            : wow, the girl who gets him is really lucky.
Gadis 1            : and, you know what? He’s still single now!
Gadis 2            : gosh, it’s our chance!
Suddenly mbok rondo and her daughters came close to them
K Merah          : hey, whacha talking about?
Gadis 1            : well, we’re talking about a very handsome guy from the next village
K M B             : a handsome guy?!
K Biru             : who is he anyway?
Gadis 2            : he is andeandelumut. Anyway, gotta go. Bye jackass!
K Merah          : geez, what a fool
K biru              : c’mon. Let’s just go.
In other place, ande-andelumut was very anxious. He told her adopt mother that he really wanted to find someone.
Pangeran         : mom, i wanna tell you something
Ibu                   : what’s that, son?
Pangeran         : well, I really wanted to find someone.
Ibu                   : someone? You means girl, right? Or you wanna get married
Pangeran         : emmmmmm mom,,,,
Ibu                   : uhm, well, what if i tell boncel to announce about it to the public? Because, rumour has it, you’ve been very famous among the girls.
Pangeran         : butt…...
Then boncel announced it. He came to the public places. Finally he reached in the village where Klentingkuning lived. At that time, Klentingkuning and her family were in a place nearby.
Boncel             : announcement, announcement,
Gadis 2            : what’s up there?
Gadis1             : let’s listen to him
Boncel then continued the announcement.
Boncel             : For all ladies. Here I’ll announce you all that ande-andelumutwaslookin for wife. For you all girls who want to be his wife, could come to his mother soon and be his wife. That is all and thank you. (kemudianlangsungpergi)
Gadis2             : wow, that’s a good opportunity, right? Hahaha of course i’ll be
the one.
Gadis1             : ohh come on. It must be me.
Klenting M      : hey heyhey, look at yourselves! A bad girl. See me, beautiful, right?
Klenting B      : yes right, you are only poor girls.
Gadis1 & 2      : huuhhh? (langsungpergi)

            The next day, klentingmerah, klentingbiru and their mother were ready for going to ande-andelumut’s house.
Klenting M      : Mother, i’m pretty, right?
Mbok rondo    :wow, how pretty you are honey.....
Klenting B      : how about me, Mom?
Mbok rondo    : of course, dear. You too.
Klenting K      : Mother, what about me? Can i go with you?
Mbok rondo    : no! not. If you join too, who keeps this house? Who cleans this house? You had better stay at home.
Klenting K      : But, momm.
Mbok rondo    : there is no exception.
Klenting M      : emmmm, so pity you are?
Klenting B      : heheheh just do your business!
            The day after, mbok rondo and her daughters immediately went to ande-andelumut’s house. But they were confused upon arriving at river in which the water flows very swift because there are no any bridges, or boats that can take them across.
Klenting M      : duh, how is this mam? How can we cross?
            Suddenly it appeared a big creature in front of them namely yuyukangkang.
Mbok rondo    : haaaaa!!!!
Klenting M, B, mBok: Yuyukangkang? (katamerekakompak)
YuyuKangkang: hoahhaha, who are you beautiful girls?
Mbok rondo    : we want to cross this river,
Yuyukangkang: oohh, you want to cross the river?
Klenting M      : yes yuyukangkang. But we do not know how? Would you like to take us to across this river?
YuyuKangkang: of course. It doesn’t matter
Klenting B      : Thank you very much, yuyukangkang
YuyuKangkang: but there is one requirement.
Klenting B      : what? Requirement? Do need you money?
YuyuKangkang: oh, no. I do not. I just want to kiss your hand, please How? hahaha
Klenting M      : Oh mom, how is this? That’s so disgusting, right? (berbisik)
Klenting B      : yes, kelenting. You are right (berbisik)
Mbok rondo    : please,  just do what he wants. He only kisses your hand, right? Anyway ande-ande will not know about that. (berbisik)
Klenting B      : Okay, yuyukangkang. We want.
YuyuKangkang: hahaha, all right. Come on!
            Then, YuyuKangkang crossed them to another side of the river. Arriving there, yuyukangkang do not forget to ask their promise kissing their hand, klenting red and klenting blue.
             Meanwhile, klentingkuning was crying in front of her house. Actually, he was eager to come to ande-andelumut’s house. But suddenly, it appeared a fairy in front of her house.
Klenting K      : what? What is that?
Peri                  : calm down klentingkuning. Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you.
Klenting K      : who are you?
Peri                  : I am a fairy.
Klenting K      : fairy? Then why are you here? What do you want?
Peri                  : I'm here to help you, klentingkuning.
Klenting K      : help?
Peri                  : yes, you really want to go ande-andelumut’s house, right?
Klenting K      : yes, I do
Peri                  : Now, let’s go there
Klenting K      : But what about my house?
Peri                  : do not worry. I will keep it. And I will give you this ? (sambilmemberikanlidi)
Klenting K      : stick? Why?
Peri                  : when you arrive in river, you will meet a big monster namely yuyukangkang. He could cross you in another side of the river. But u will be asked one requirement that is to kiss your hand. In that time, you have stick this stick in his hand. Hopefully, you will be far from harmfulness.
Klenting K      : Okay, Peri. Thank you very much.
After that, klentingkuning went to ande-andelumut’s home with a cheerful heart. She still remains confident though her appearance only wore a shabbily dress and her smell was also not good. Finally, she arrived at the river.
Yuyukangkang: hi shabby girl? Where are you going?
Klenting K      : I want to cross this river, yuyukangkang. Will you take across me?
Yuyukangkang: eemmmm…
Klenting K      : please,yuyukangkang.
Yuyukangkang: okay, I will but there is one requisite. When you’ve crossed over, I have to kiss your hand.
Klenting K      : okay, yuyukangkang.
            Yuyukangkang was take across klentingKuning. And after reached the other side, as usual, yuyukangkang ask her promise.
Yuyukangkang: well, you have arrived.  Now it is time for me to kiss your hand.
            But when yuyukangkang started approaching klentingKuning, she immediately took a stick, given by the fairy, then directly poked it to yuyukangkang. Yuyukangkangwas surprised, and thenscreamed while ran off klentingkuning.
            In the meantime, at ande-andelumut home, mbok rondo was introducing her children to ande-andelumut.
Mbok rondo    : so, my purpose here is to introduce my children to ande-andelumut. Maybe he will interest my daughters that were very beautiful. On my left is K Merah. She is my first daughter. Her voices is very beautiful. (K merah berdiri, nyanyi). And, on my right is K Biru. She is an expert in dancing (K Biru nari dikit)
Ibuande           : wow, that’s right. Your doughtersare so beautiful. So, how ande-andelumut? You want to choose which of the two this beautiful girl?
Pangeran         : sorry before, mam. I will not choose one among them.
Mbok rondo    : why, ande? My daughters are beautiful, right?
Pangeran         : sorry, mam. They are indeed beautiful. But I don’t want to marry yuyukangkangsweatheart.
Mbok rondo    : hah? Yuyukangkangsweatheart? My doughters are not yuyukangkangsweatheart.
Ibuande           : what do you mean,ande?
Pangeran         : lokk at her hands, mom? The black mark is a sign it means that they are yuyukangkangsweatheart.
Klenting M      : no, I am not yuyukangkangsweatheart! (teriak)
            In the middle of the commotion going on in the living room, klentingkuning arrived.
Klenting K      : excuse me?
Klenting B      : kuning? (terkejut)
Klenting K      : excuse me, mam. I heard that your son was looking for a girl?
Ibuande           : yes why?
Klenting K      : emmm maybe……..
Ibuande           : Are you sure about that? with this condition?
Prince              : mother, let her come in. All the girls deserve a chance.
(ande mother finally allow her to come in)
Klenting K      : So, how ande-andelumut?
Prince              : eemmmm, I saw black mark in their hand, but I don’t see it to you
All                   : so? (semua yang ada di ruanganterkejut)
andeMother     : but boy, are you sure?
Prince              : mother, she was the only girl who crossed the river without yuyukangkang's help. She is the girl that I've been waiting for all this time.
Mother ande    : what do you mean?
Had not had time to answer the question, suddenly came the fairy thatwas surprised everyone. But, it was not for klentingkuning and ande-andelumut.
Peri                  : This is the time for you to happy princess Sekartaji (sambilmenyemburkanbubukajaib)
By magically, klentingkuning immediately changedto be a beautiful and graceful girl with a very beautiful dress.
All                   : huh? (semuanyaterkejutkecualiande-andelumut)
Klenting M      : who..who are you?
Prince              : she is the princess Sekartaji of Kediri kingdom. And the fact is I was the prince of the kingdom Jenggala,radenpanjiasmarabangun. She is my fiance who had long disappeared.
Mbok rondo, klentin M, B: huh? Prince? (terkejut) (laterkelenting merah and kelenting biru were fainted)
Klenting K      : prince panji. Is this really you?
Prince              : yes, pricessSekartaji. Finally we meet again. (berpegangantangan)
Finally Prince RadenPanji was brought princess Sekartaji  and his adoptive mother to Jenggala. princePanji and princess Sekartaji  got married. Kediri Kingdom and Jenggala was reunited. And live in happiness and peace.


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