Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Video Dokumenter "Candi Jawi"

Hai sobat?
Kali ini aku mau membagikan sebuah video dokumenter tentang Candi Jawi nih. Kalian tahu gak?
Baiklah, langsung aja ditonton biar cepat tau..
Jangan lupa komennya ya..???

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Conversation : Cancelling an Appointment

Hai sobat?
Lagi punya tugas conversation bahasa inggris dari gurumu?
Butuh conversation tentang cancelling an appointment?
Nih, aku kasih buat kalian. Semoga tugas kalian cepat selesai.. hehehe

A  : Miss Dirga office, can I help you?
B  : May I talk to her please?
A  : Actually she’s not available now. But I’ll leave a word. Who’s speaking?
B  : Could you please tell her that the secretary of Miss Nuke is calling and Miss Nuke would like to cancel the meeting tomorrow because she has to attend a conference at the same time.
A  : Okay. And, do you want any reschedulling?
B  : No, thanks. Later maybe my boss will tell me if she want to reschedule the meeting.
A  : Alright then, I’ll tell her.
B  : Good, thank you very much.
A  : You’re welcome.

Conversation : Reschedule an Appointment

Hai sobat?
Lagi punya tugas conversation bahasa inggris dari gurumu?
Butuh conversation tentang reschedule an appointment?
Nih, aku kasih buat kalian. Semoga tugas kalian cepat selesai.. hehehe

A  : Pisang coklat company, can I help you?
B  : May I talk to Mr. Budi please?
A  : Unfortunately he’s not available now. Would you leave a message?
B  : Well, I’m the secretary of miss Ninda from Pisang Keju Company. I would like to reschedule for my boss meeting with Mr. Budi.
A  : Wait a minute. I’ll check the agenda book first. Well, your boss meeting will be on Thursday at 3 pm.
B  : Good, could you make it Friday at 9 o’clock? Because miss Ninda will have final check at Thursday before our products sent to the port.
A  : Well, you’r lucky because he’s free at that time. So, you want to reschedule it on Friday 9 o’clock?
B  : Yes, please. And tell him to bring the copy of the leaflet.
A  : Okay, I got it. Any other thing I can help?
B  : No, thank you. Oh, one thing, I’d like you to call back for the confirmation from Mr. Budi

A  : You’re welcome. I’ll tell him later.

Conversation : Making an Appointment

Hai sobat?
Lagi punya tugas conversation bahasa inggris dari gurumu?
Butuh conversation tentang membuat appointment?
Nih, aku kasih buat kalian. Semoga tugas kalian cepat selesai.. hehehe

A  : Pisang Coklat company. Can I help you?
B  : Can I talk to Mr. Budi please?
A  : I’m sorry, Mr. Budi is not available now. Would you leave a message?
B  : I am Adelina Damayanti as the secretary of miss Dirga from Pisang keju company would like to inform that miss Dirga wants to hold a meeting with Mr. Budi on July 25 at 9 am in Rolas café.
A  : Let me check his schedule first. Unfortunately, Mr. budi will have a check up at 9 am. What about 10 am?
B  : Great, we’ll take the 10 am.
A  : Okay, I will tell him later. Any other thing I can help?
B  : No, thank you.
A  : You’re welcome.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Teks Story Telling - Damar Wulan


Damar Wulan was born in the village of Paluh Amba, not far from the capital city of Majapahit. He was the son of Udara, the former prime minister of Majapahit. Since his father had retired his family live in a quiet and prosperous village outside the capital. Damar was a smart boy so he could easily learned the lessons his father taught him. He learned martial art, religion, politics, and literature. He was very good at all those subjects. When his father thought that he is mature enough, he asked Damar to find job in Majapahit. He told Damar to apply for a job at the Prime Minister's office. He hoped that his close relation with the new prime minister would help him get the prime minister's attention. Furthermore Damar was a smart boy so his father was sure Damar was capable to do any job.

Damar was very confident he would get a good position at the prime minister's office. Early morning he left his village. At midday he got to Majapahit and he directly went to the prime minister's house. Prime Minister Logender was his name. The guards sarcastically questioned him when he told them he would see the prime minister.
"Who do you think you are?"
"I am Damar Wulan. I am the son of the former prime minister Udara. My father told me to see the prime minister here"
"If you think you can impress us by telling us about your father, you are completely wrong poor boy. The son of a prime minister would never go anywhere on foot"
"But, that's true. My father told me to find job here"
"Listen poor boy, the prime minister is a very busy person. He does not have time for job seeker like you. But if you need a job, there is a vacant position here. Let me report my chief"

Then the soldier reported to his superior. After that someone called Damar to get into the commander's chamber. He told Damar that the prime minister's office needed several boys to take care of the horses. Damar was surprised because he expected clerical job but then he accepted the offer. Since that day he lived in a simple hut behind the prime minister's house.

Damar did a good job so his superior was satisfied with him. He was also very sociable. Soon he had a good relationship with the prime minister and his family. The prime minister had two sons - Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir and a daughter - Anjasmoro. His sons were very arrogant and lazy. They treated Damar cruelly. They wanted Damar to do whatever they want. Every body hated them but nobody dare to express their feeling. Anjasmoro, on the other hand, liked Damar very much. Gradually she fell in love to Damar. So did Damar. They had a secret love. When Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir knew what happened to Damar and Anjasmoro, they were very angry. They treated Damar more and more cruelly.

At the time the kingdom of Majapahit faced a very serious problem because of the rebellion of Menak Jinggo. He was a half brother of the Queen Kecono Wungu. He was a prince of Majapahit and a highly respected general of the Majapahit army. For his great achievement for his country his father appointed him as the ruler for the kingdom of Blambangan, a vassal state under Majapahit. When his father passed away he was sure that he would become the successor. But he was very disappointed when his father appointed his sister instead. He thought that he was more capable than Kencono Wungu so he rebelled.

Menak Jinggo proved to be a good general. Under his leadership the Blambangan army could win several battles with Majapahit army. The territory of Majapahit one by one fell to Blambangan. At the time the morale of the Majapahit army was already down. They were not sure that they could win the war. So the queen and the prime minister met everyday to discuss the worsening situation. Some weeks went by but still they did not have any ideas to solve the problem. Every report they received about the war was only about the defeat of the Majapahit army.

Prime Minister Logender was shocked when his wife reported to him about the affair of Anjasmoro and Damar Wulan. For a highly respected person like him, it was a very serious blow to his ego. He was a very respectable person while his daughter dated with a poor boy. It was a serious humiliation. He could not accept it. This fact made him very angry. He thought very hard to find a solution. Suddenly an idea struck his sharp mind when he was meditating at midnight.

Early in the morning he went to the palace and asked the queen for an audience. Then he explained his plan.
"Your Majesty, last night I had an idea"
"Tell me about it"
"Our army could not win because we apply a wrong strategy. The Blambangan army is very good at a frontal open warfare like that. Furthermore our army's morale is now down. So we have to avoid open warfare. Since now on we have to launch a new tactics of secret operation. We must send a small army unit to kill Menak Jinggo secretly"
"Who will do that?"
"I have a body guard. His skill in martial art is excellent. He is very capable at individual fight. So he is ready for this duty. I am sure he is the right person"
"OK, I think you are right. Send him as soon as possible to Blambangan. If he can do his job well I will give him great reward"

When Logender got home he called Damar Wulan immediately. He asked him about his martial art skill. Damar said he had mastered some fighting skill. His father had trained him Pencak Silat, the Indonesian martial art. As a result, he was very skillful at using sword, lance, as well as empty hand fighting technique. Then Logender asked him to fight both Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir. Both of them fought emotionally since they hated Damar very much. But Damar was smart, skillful, strong and tough. In just several minutes he could beat both of them without difficulty. Logender was angry but also satisfied since he found a way to get rid of both problems - his home and his country.
"Damar, you are a great fighter. I am very proud of you. And that's why you will receive a great honor to fight for your country. Now there is a rebellion in Majapahit. The king of Blambangan has done a crime. His name is Menak Jinggo. Find him in his palace and Blambangan and kill him. Are you ready?"
"I am ready any time Sir"
"Good. Today you have to prepare everything and tomorrow you must leave for Blambangan secretly. Do not tell any one about this duty. Not even Anjasmoro. Don't be afraid because the Majapahit army will fully support you. They will back you and provide all your needs. When you can kill Menak Jinggo behead him and bring his head here. If you can do this job well you will be promoted to a high position as the commander of Majapahit army"
"Yes, Sir. I am very glad to receive this order. I will do my best"

The next day, very early in the morning Damar Wulan left Majapahit alone. Meanwhile Prime Minister Logender had implemented his own plan. He prepared a small army unit under the leadership of his two sons. They went behind Damar in a distant so that Damar did not notice them. They went secretly so no one knew it. Their task was not to protect Damar but to kill him and seize the head of Menak Jinggo if he could kill Menak Jinggo. But if Damar was killed then they had nothing to do.

Several days later Damar Wulan arrived in Blambangan. The Majapahit army kept on spying on him. They were surprised to see Damar did not directly attack the palace. He applied for a job instead. Once again he was accepted to work in the palace to take care of the horses. Everybody including the king Menak Jinggo liked him because he was very polite and he did his job well. He was also very handsome that two of the king's wife fell in love with him. Waito and Puyengan were the wives of King Menak Jinggo.

As everybody trusted him, it was easy for Damar to search the palace. He knew where Menak Jinggo lived. One night he secretly jumped the palace wall to kill the king. Finally he was inside the king's bedroom. But unfortunately the king was ready to welcome him. A small army unit was there to arrest him. He was no match for Menak Jinggo. But Menak Jinggo was a smart person. He did not kill Damar instantly. He wanted to gather information from him. So he ordered his guards.
"Don't kill him. Let him alive, treat him well. I will question him tomorrow"
"Yes, Your Majesty"

He ordered his men to treat him well. He even let Waito and Puyengan to see Damar. By doing so he hoped that Damar would give him valuable information. But Damar was also a smart person. He dated Waito and Puyengan and he asked them the way to kill Menak Jinggo. Since the two women loved Damar they revealed a secret.
"Nobody can hurt him. He is a tough guy and he is protected by god. God gave him a secret weapon called Wesi Kuning"
"What is that?"
"That's a golden amulet. It is just a small amulet, as small as a thumb but it is very powerful. Its shape is like a stick. It is stored in his bedroom"
"He is a dangerous man. We have to stop him. Could you help me find his amulet?"
"I will help you if you marry me"
"Sure I will marry both of you as soon as I can arrest him"

When their turn to amuse the king arrived Waito and Puyengan could get into the kings chamber. They used that opportunity to steal the amulet. Then they gave it to Damar Wulan. Menak Jinggo did not realize their conspiracy. When the night was very quiet they opened the door for Damar Wulan. There was a fight but it was too late for Menak Jinggo. The sudden attack did not give him much chance to survive. Consequently Damar could beat his enemy and Menak Jinggo was beheaded.

Damar Wulan immediately left Blambangan palace that night while promising Waito and Puyengan to be back after he received the rewa.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Praktek Lapang di Museum Angkut Batu - Jatim

Hai sobat..??
Aku mau berbagi cerita nih sama kalian semua.
Sabtu kemarin, tepatnya tanggal 4 Juni 2015 aku bersama dengan mahasiswa-mahasiswa bahasa inggris kemarin lainnya mengadakan perjalanan ke Museum Angkut di Batu, Malang. Tujuannya adalah untuk melaksanakan praktek lapang mata kuliah English For Tour and Travel. Saat itu kita berangkat dari kampus kita tercinta, Politeknik Negeri Jember pukul 02.30 WIB.

Diperjalanan menuju malang, aku benar-benar gak bisa tidur. Padahal dari sore hari aku tidak tidur sama sekali. Akhirnya aku bisa tidur saat sudah sampai di kota kelahiranku, Pasuruan. Lumayan lah, meskipun cuma 1,5 Jam, setidaknya aku tidur.

Jam 10.30 kita sudah sampai di Batu, Malang.Tapi tidak langsung ke Museum, karena memang Museumnya buka jam 12.00 wib. Jadi kita mampir dulu ke tempat membeli oleh-oleh khas Kota Batu. Sayangnya harganya itu loh? Mahal-mahal banget cui. Sumpah mending mampir di Pasar Lawang pulangnya. Hehehe
Saat mau menuju Museum, apesnya Bis tiba-tiba mogok. Hadeehhhh, apes banget. Untung cuma sekitar 20 Menit kemudian Bisnya bisa hidup kembali. Akhirnya kita semua pun berangkat menuju Museum Angkut.

Saat sampai di Museum, kita langsung diarahkan Pihak Museum. Dan setelah dapat tiket masuk, yah inilah yang menjadi tujuan kita. Bukan untuk senang-senang atau menikmati apa yang ada di Museum, Tapi untuk mengerjakan Tugas yang telah diberikan dosen.

Anggota Kelompokku saat di Museum Angkut
Saat mengerjakan tugas kita, kita mengalami sedikit kesulitan. Pertama memang materi yang kita punya tidak cukup. Kedua, Informasi tentang apa saja yang ada di Museum sangat minim sekali. Aku dan teman-teman sudah cari disana-sini. hampir semua web dan blog aku bukain semua. Hasilnya nihil. Akhirnya yah kita kerjakan tugas itu seadanya. Setelah kita keliling sana-sini, Akhirnya selesai juga Tugas kita.

Koleksi Vespaku.. hehehe

Honda jaman dulu...

Nih di Gangster Town. Keren kan..??

Mobilku nih.. hahaha
Di Menara Eifel nih...??

di Museum Topeng
Ikutan selfie di Belakang teman..
Itulah beberapa foto-foto aku di Museum Angkut. hehehe.

Oke sobat, sampai disini dulu ya ceritaku..???
Tunggu cerita selanjutnya dariku ya..??

Monday, June 6, 2016

Lomba Menulis Cerpen Mini Susastra tingkat nasional 2016

               SUSASTRA merupakan sebuah badan usaha penerbitan (Lini Mayor CV Kekata Group) yang konsen pada upaya melestarikan sekaligus memajukan kebudayaan dan kesusastraan Indonesia melalui buku-buku yang diterbitkannya. Berpegang pada prinsip kebebasan berpendapat dan semangat berkarya untuk bangsa, Susastra menggelar Sayembara Sastra Tingkat Nasional 2016 dengan hajat untuk merangkum karya-karya terbaik dari para penulis nusantara.


  • JUARA I : Uang tunai Rp 1.000.000 + Piala + Piagam Penghargaan + 3 eks buku + Majalah Garisbawah 6 Edisi
  • JUARA II : Uang tunai Rp 750.000 + Piala + Piagam Penghargaan + 1 eks buku + Majalah Garisbawah 3 Edisi
  • JUARA III : Uang tunai Rp 500.000 + Piala + Piagam Penghargaan + 1 eks buku + Majalah Garisbawah 3 Edisi
  • 50 Naskah Terbaik hasil sayembara akan diterbitkan secara mayor oleh Penerbit Susastra. Penulis mendapatkan E-Piagam.
  • Seluruh Peserta mendapatkan E-Sertifikat.
  • Juara I, Juara II dan Juara III akan mendapatkan pendampingan penulisan naskah tunggal untuk diterbitkan secara mayor di Penerbit Susastra.

1. Peserta merupakan WNI dimanapun berada, tanpa batasan usia.
2. Peserta diperbolehkan mengirim maksimal 3 naskah.
3. Peserta diharapkan kesediaannya untuk mensosialisasikan program ini melalui media sosial.
4. Biaya pendaftaran: Rp 25.000/naskah dikirim ke nomor rekening BRI 129801001464506 A/N Fitria Nuryani
5. Deadline pendaftaran dan pengiriman naskah pada tanggal 30 Juni 2016.
6. Pengumuman dilakukan pada tanggal 30 Juli 2016.
7. Keputusan dewan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Hak publikasi seluruh naskah terpilih milik CV Kekata Group, dengan Hak Cipta tetap berada pada Penulis.

1. Tema PEREMPUAN. Diutamakan genre naskah sesuai untuk Pembaca usia 18 tahun ke atas.
2. Naskah orisinil, tidak terdapat unsur plagiasi dan tidak menyalahi norma, adat, aturan dan undang-undang yang berlaku.
3. Naskah berbentuk prosa atau cerita mini dengan panjang antara 100 sampai 1.000 kata.
4. Naskah manuskrip diketik rapi dalam satu file di Microsoft Word dengan ukuran kertas A4, font Times New Roman ukuran 12, spasi 1,5 dan margin normal.
5. Kelangkapan naskah yang meliputi:
a. Naskah
b. Biodata diri dalam bentuk narasi disertai foto diri dan kontak yang bisa dihubungi.
c. Foto/scan bukti transfer
Dikirim dalam bentuk lampiran ke email sayembarasusastra@gmail.com dengan subjek email : Sayembara Sastra – Judul – Nama Penulis

Ifo Lebih Lanjut :

Facebook: Redaksi Susastra
Email: sayembarasusastra@gmail.com
SMS/WA: 0895-0938-5621

Lomba menulis puisi tema pendidikan 2016

Tema : Pendidikan

Ketentuan Lomba
a. Peserta
- Peserta adalah semua Warga Negara Indonesia tanpa batasan usia.
- Peserta harus mentransfer uang untuk pembelian buku kumpulan puisi hasil lomba ini. Harga buku kumpulan puisi hasil lomba adalah Rp 50.000,00 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim).
 Bagi peserta lomba yang naskahnya tidak dibukukan dan tidak berminat membeli buku hasil lomba, maka uang akan dikembalikan.
- Peserta diharapkan untuk bergabung dengan grup Facebook “Merangkai Kata Berbagi Cerita” dan berteman dengan Sholikhatun Isnaeni. (Tidak wajib.)
- Peserta diharapkan membagi informasi lomba ini kepada teman-temannya di Facebook (termasuk Sholikhatun Isnaeni). (Tidak wajib.)

 Juara 1 : Uang sebesar Rp 500.000,00 + paket penerbitan buku gratis. Juara 2 : Uang sebesar Rp 300.000,00 + paket penerbitan buku gratis.
Juara 3 : Paket penerbitan buku gratis. (Paket penerbitan buku gratis senilai Rp 350.000,00, meliputi: ISBN, desain cover, layout, editing, 1 eksemplar buku terbit, pembatas buku, sertifikat penerbitan, promosi buku, royalti 20 % dari setiap buku yang dijual, dan terbit dalam waktu 14 hari kerja)
- Juara favorit (5 orang) akan mendapatkan voucher penerbitan @ Rp 100.000,00.
- Akan dipilih 200 puisi untuk dibukukan dan diterbitkan (buku ber-ISBN).
- Semua juara dan kontributor akan mendapatkan e-sertifikat.
- Semua kontributor (peserta yang naskahnya berhasil dibukukan tetapi belum mendapatkan juara) akan mendapatkan voucher penerbitan @ Rp 50.000,00.
- Voucher penerbitan adalah potongan harga yang diberikan oleh penerbit kepada penulis yang akan menerbitkan buku. Jika biaya penerbitan buku sebesar Rp 350.000,00 dan penulis mendapatkan voucher penerbitan Rp 100.000,00, maka penulis cukup membayar Rp 250.000,00.
- Paket penerbitan gratis dan voucher penerbitan tidak bisa diuangkan dan tidak boleh dipakai oleh orang lain. Masa berlaku 3 bulan. Jadi, jika selama 3 bulan, peserta lomba tidak mengirimkan tulisan ke penerbit, maka paket penerbitan gratis dan voucher penerbitan akan hangus.
- Hadiah hiburan : Hadiah berupa 2 buah buku antologi puisi “Sajak Tiga Masa”. Hadiah diberikan kepada peserta yang membagikan informasi lomba kepada teman-temannya di Facebook serta mengirimkan salah satu karya puisinya (bukan puisi yang diikutkan lomba ini) di grup “Merangkai Kata Berbagi Cerita”.
Akan dipilih 2 orang peserta yang karyanya paling banyak mendapatkan like dan komentar dari temannya.

Ketentuan Naskah

- Tema puisi adalah “Pendidikan” dengan subtema:
1. Guruku Pelitaku (Puisi persembahan bagi guru, perjuangan guru, jasa guru, dsb.)
2. Hitam Putih (Puisi yang menggambarkan permasalahan pendidikan di Indonesia, kritik bagi siswa, guru, sekolah, dan pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan pendidikan di Indonesia.)
3. Doa dan Harapan (Doa, harapan, dan saran untuk kemajuan pendidikan di Indonesia.)

- Naskah tidak boleh melanggar UU hak cipta (bukan plagiat), tidak menyinggung SARA dan mengandung pornografi, belum pernah dipublikasikan dan tidak sedang diikutsertakan dalam lomba lain.

- Kriteria Penilaian :
1) kesesuaian judul dan isi dengan tema lomba,
2) nilai dan amanat yang terkandung dalam isi puisi,
3) diksi dan gaya bahasa,
4) originalitas dan kreativitas.

- Naskah maksimal 1 halaman A4, margin normal, spasi 1,15 menggunakan huruf Times New Roman ukuran 12.
- Naskah dilengkapi dengan nama penulis, tempat, dan tanggal pembuatan. Sertakan foto dan biodata penulis dalam bentuk narasi maksimal 50 kata yang ditulis dalam satu file tetapi pada halaman yang berbeda. - Setiap peserta boleh mengirim maksimal 2 naskah puisi tetapi hanya 1 buah puisi yang akan dibukukan. - Naskah dikirim dalam bentuk lampiran (bukan di badan email) ke email sholikhatun.banjarnegara@gmail.com dengan subyek: Subtema_Judul Puisi_Nama Penulis.
Contoh: Doa dan Harapan_Untuk Anak Didikku_Sholikhatun Isnaeni.
- Naskah diterima oleh penyelenggara lomba maksimal tanggal 30 Juni 2016 pukul 23.59 WIB.
- Pengumuman pemenang tanggal 10 Juli 2016.

Jika ada ketentuan yang belum jelas, dapat ditanyakan ke penyelenggara lomba (Sholikhatun Isnaeni) melalui: Facebook Sholikhatun Isnaeni HP 085226038513 (SMS/WA) BBM 7FBE3E7B

Lomba Menulis Novel Islami Penerbit Perahu Litera 2016

Kompetisi Novel Islami
Deadline  : 2 Juli 2016
Ramadhan tiba! Yuk pupuk keimananmu dengan menulis cerita islami bersama Penerbit Perahu Litera.

Ketentuan Lomba:
1.    Berteman dengan akun FB Penerbit Perahu Litera (Perlite) dan Follow akun twitter @Perlite (boleh salah satu, namun jika keduanya lebih baik dan menambah nilai plus)
2.    Membagikan info lomba dengan menandai (men-tag) minimal 10 teman penulis termasuk Penerbit Perahu Litera (Perlite).
3.    Naskah tidak sedang diikutkan dalam kompetisi lain atau dalam masa penilaian penerbiat lain.
4.    Naskah merupakan karya asli, bukan saduran ataupun jiplakkan. Belum pernah dipublikasikan di media apapun.
5.    Naskah tidak meyinggung SARA dan tidak bertentangan norma yang berkembang di Indonesia.
6.    Naskah ditulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
7.    Lomba ini GRATIS.
8.    Akan dipilih satu naskah terbaik untuk diterbitkan.
9.    Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Apabila dikemudian hari ditemukan kecurangan penulis dalam naskah yang diterbitkan, maka segala tanggung jawab dibebankan pada penulis.

Ketentuan Naskah:
1.    Naskah asli
2.    Berupa novel fiksi/faksi (kisah nyata)
3.    Panjang naskah 80-140 halaman.
4.    Diketik dalam format A4, spasi 1.5 margin all 3cm, font TNR 12pt.
5.    Naskah dilengkapi dengan Daftar Isi dan Sinopsis maksimal 2 halaman A4 (Wajib).

Kirim naskah ke event.perlite@gmail.com dengan Subjek : Lomba Islami (Nama Penulis-Judul Naskah)

Info lebih lanjut : 

FB Penerbit Perahu Litera (Perlite)
twitter : @perahu_litera
Blog : www.perahulitera.blogspot.com 

Lomba Jurnalistik Feature, Opini dan Berita Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2016

Tema : “ Penguatan Peran Keluarga dalam Pendidikan Anak”

Prosedur Lomba
  1.     Peserta mengirimkan tulisan yang telah dimuat dimuat di media kepada Panitia Seleksi berupa : a. Scan/foto tulisan yang telah dimuat di media (file harus dapat terbaca jells) atau hardcopy tulisan yang telah dimuat di media. b. Salinan/scan kartu idntitas (Kartu Pers/KTP/SIM), dan nomor telepon.
  2.     Tulisan diterima Panitia paling lambat tanggal 7 Juli 2016 melalui alamat email : lombajurnalistik.keluarga@kemendikbud.go.id atau hardcopy tulisan kepada Panitia Lomba Jurnalistik, Subdit Kemitraan, Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Keluarga, Gedung C lantai 13, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan Jakarta.
  3.     Cantumkan kategori tulisan dengan huruf KAPITAL dalam subjek email atau amplop surat, diikuti nama lengkap – nama media yang memuat tulisan – tanggal tulisan dimuat. (contoh: BERITA Arif Budiman TEMPO 4 Maret 2016, FEATURE Doni Setiawan KOMPAS 20 Maret 2016, OPINI Dona Wiyata PIKIRAN RAKYAT 20 April 2016)
  4.     Bagi peserta yang mengirim softcopy tulisan via email, apabila terpilih sebagai pemenang, wajib menunjukkan tulisan asli yang telah dimuat di media.
  5.     Pemenang akan diumumkan pada bulan Juli 2016 melalui laman sahabatkeluarga.kemendikbud.go.id atau pada Kegiatan Gebyar Pendidikan Keluarga.

Ketentuan Umum
  1.     Lomba dibagi menjadi 3 kategori, yakni FEATURE, OPINI, dan BERITA
  2.     Tulisan harus sesuai dengan tema “Penguatan Peran Keluarga dalam Pendidikan Anak”
  3.     Tulisan asli, bukan plagiat
  4.     Tulisan actual, bernilai, inovatif, dan bermanfaat.
  5.     Tulisan belum pernah/sedang diikutsertakan dalam lomba/kompetisi jurnalistik lain.
  6.     Tulisan diterbitkan di media pada periode 1 Maret 2016 – 30 Juni 2016.
  7.     Khusus untuk FEATURE, panjang tulisan maksimal 1.200 kata
  8.     Lomba dapat diikuti oleh jurnalis media cetak maupun media berita online/portal berita, serta masyarakat umum (guru, pakar, akademisi, penggiat pendidikan, mahasiswa, dll)
  9.     Setiap peserta dapat mengirimkan tulisan sebanyak-banyaknya.
  10.     Lomba tidak dapat diikuti oleh PNS Kemendikbud


Kategori FEATURE
  1. Pemenang I : Rp. 15.000.000
  2. Pemenang II : Rp. 12.000.000
  3. Pemenang III : Rp. 10.000.000
  4. Pemenang Harapan : 8 orang @ Rp. 4.000.000

Kategori OPINI
  1. Pemenang I : Rp. 15.000.000
  2. Pemenang II : Rp. 12.000.000
  3. Pemenang III : Rp. 10.000.000
  4. Pemenang Harapan : 8 orang @ Rp. 4.000.000

Kategori BERITA
  1. Pemenang I : Rp. 8.000.000
  2. Pemenang II : Rp. 6.000.000
  3. Pemenang III : Rp. 4.000.000
  4. Pemenang Harapan : 8 orang @ Rp. 3.000.000

Catatan : 
Pajak hadiah ditanggung pemenang sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Masing-masing pemenang juga akan mendapat piala dan sertifikat, yang akan diberikan pada kegiatan Gebyar Pendidikan Keluarga di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta.

Sumber :http://www.kemdikbud.go.id/main/blog/2016/02/lomba-jurnalistik-penguatan-peran-keluarga-dalam-pendidikan-anak  

Lomba Menulis Puisi Tema Ramadhan dan Lebaran di Tempat Tinggalku WA Publisher

Tema: Ramadhan dan Lebaran di Tempat Tinggalku

1.    Juara 1: Buku Terbit, Voucher Penerbitan sebesar Rp. 175.000, sertifikat cetak
Juara 2: Voucher Penerbitan Rp. 150.000, sertifikat cetak (jika membeli buku)
Juara 3: Voucher Penerbitan Rp. 125.000, sertifikat cetak (jika membeli buku)
2.    10 Karya Terfavorit : Voucher Penerbitan Rp. 75.000, e-sertifikat
3.    Seluruh Kontributor: Voucher Penerbitan Rp. 50.000, e-sertifikat
Catatan: Voucher tidak dapat diuangkan, Voucher hanya diberikan untuk yang membeli buku 

1.    Terbuka untuk umum dan tidak terbatas usia.
2.    Tema Puisi Ramadhan dan Lebaran di Tempat Tinggalku (Silahkan diterjemahkan seluas-seluasnya, utamanya angkat hal unik tentang ramadhan/lebaran di tempat tinggal peserta)
3.    Naskah maksimal 2 halaman (Sudah termasuk titimangsa dan narasi profil penulis maks. 50 kata yang disertai alamat email aktif, no.telepon, akun fb dan disertai foto) 
4.    Deadline (DL) pengiriman         : 17 Juli 2016
5.    Pengumuman                 : Maksimal 2 minggu setelah DL
6.    Naskah dikirim via email ke         : robbi.0307@yahoo.co.id
7.    Format nama file dan subjek email    : WA_ Judul Puisi_Nama Peserta
8.    Ketentuan Naskah             : Ketik rapi di MS. Word 2003/2007, kertas ukuran A4, spasi 1,5, huruf TNR, margin normal, rata kiri

1.    Satu peserta hanya boleh mengirim satu karya
2.    Like Fanspage WA Publisher (https://www.facebook.com/Writing-is-Amazing-WA-Publisher-1639600916291651) dan Berteman dengan PJ event Robbi Yulianto (https://www.facebook.com/robbi.yulianto)
3.    Membagikan informasi lomba ini di Facebook dengan menandai minimal 20 teman termasuk akun PJ Robbi Yulianto (https://www.facebook.com/robbi.yulianto)
4.    Tulisan merupakan hasil karya sendiri (orisinal), belum pernah dipublikasikan dan tidak sedang diikutkan lomba lain serta tidak mengandung unsur SARA
5.    Seluruh kontributor diharuskan untuk membeli buku sebagai bentuk apresiasi atas karyanya 
6.    Kuota naskah yang dimuat adalah 150 karya

FB Fanspage : https://www.facebook.com/Writing-is-Amazing-WA-Publisher-1639600916291651
FB Profile :  https://www.facebook.com/robbi.yulianto

Friday, June 3, 2016

Teks Story Telling - Jaka Tarub dan Dewi Nawangwulan

Sumber gambar : www.goodreads.com


Jaka Tarub was a handsome and diligent young man. He lived in a village near a lake. One day, when Jaka Tarub passed the lake, he heard some giggles and laughs of some girls who were bathing in the lake. He was curious, so he peeped through the bushes. There were seven beautiful girls in the lake. They’re fairies from the heavenly kingdom of kahyangan. Jaka Tarub saw a scarf near the bushes. It belonged to one of the fairies. Jaka Tarub then took it and hid it.

Crack!!! Accidentally, Jaka Tarub stepped on a twig. “There’s someone!” said one of the fairies. “Let’s get back. Hurry!” she said. They pulled over and wear their scarf. “Where is my scarf?” one of the fairies couldn’t find her scarf. She was the youngest fairy called Nawang Wulan. They tried to search for it, but it was no where to be found. “We’re sorry, Wulan. We have to go back to kahyangan,” said the eldest fairy. “You’ll have to find it by yourself. We’ll wait for you in kahyangan,” she said in empathy. The other fairies then flew to the sky leaving Nawang Wulan behind. Nawang Wulan saw them leaving in tears. She was so sad.

“Excuse me …,” said Jaka Tarub, startling Nawang Wulan. “Are you okay?” he asked. Nawang Wulan moved backward, “Who are you?” she asked. “My name is Jaka Tarub. I was passing by and I heard you crying, so I came to see what happen,” Jaka Tarub lied. Nawang Wulan then told him about her problem. “I can’t fly without my scarf,” she said. Jaka Tarub then asked Nawang Wulan to come home with him. At first, Nawang Wulan refused the offer. But since she didn’t have anywhere else to go, Nawang Wulan then decided to follow Jaka Tarub.

Nawang Wulan stayed with Jaka Tarub in the village. A month passed, and they decided to get married. Nawang Wulan was willing to marry a human because she fell in love with Jaka Tarub. After a year, they had a beautiful daughter. They named her Kumalasari. They lived happily.

Jaka Tarub was also happy to live with Nawang Wulan and Kumalasari. Especially because he always got a lot of harvest since he married Nawang Wulan. He couldn’t even keep all of his harvest in the barn because it was always full. “It’s so weird. Nawang Wulan cooked everyday, but why is my barn always full,” Jaka Tarub mumbled to himself. He was so curious. One day, Jaka Tarub stayed at home. “I want to stay home today. I’d like to play with Kumalasari,” he said to his wife. “Well, I’ll go to the river to wash the clothes. Please keep an eye on Kumalasari,” asked Nawang Wulan. “I’m cooking rice now. Please do not open the pan cover before it’s done,” she said just before she left. “Could this be the secret?” Jaka Tarub thought. After Nawang Wulan left, he curiously opened the pan cover. He found only one single paddy. “How come?” he wondered.

Before lunch, Nawang Wulan came home. She headed to the kitchen to see the rice she had cooked. She found that the rice turned into only a few grains. “Did you open the pan cover?” she asked her husband. “I… I’m sorry. I was curious,” Jaka Tarub said as he realized his fault.

Ever since, Nawang Wulan had lost her power. She couldn’t cook rice with only a single paddy. Their paddy supply was slowly lessened. Their barn was almost empty. One day, Nawang Wulan went to the barn to get some paddy. When she took one of them, she found a scarf. “What’s this? This is my scarf,” said Nawang Wulan startled.

That night, Nawang Wulan asked her husband about the scarf. Jaka Tarub’s eyes widened, “You found it?” he asked. Jaka Tarub looked down and asked for her forgiveness. “Because I’ve found my scarf, it’s time for me to go back to where I belong,” Nawang Wulan said. Jaka Tarub tried to stop her, but Nawang Wulan had made up her mind. “Please take good care of Kumalasari,” she said. “If she wanted to see me, take seven grains of candlenut and put it into a basket. Shake it as you play the bamboo flute. I’ll come to see her,” she explained.

Jaka Tarub promised to take good care of their daughter. He once again asked for forgiveness for all of his mistakes. “I’ve forgiven you, so you don’t have to feel guilty. I must go now. Take care,” said Nawang Wulan as she flew to the bright full moon.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Lomba menulis Novel dan Cerpen LA Awards 2016

Syarat dan Ketentuan
  2. Peserta merupakan WNI (Warga Negara Indonesia)
  3. Naskah asli bukan hasil plagiasi/saduran, tidak menyinggung SARA dan Pornografi
  4. Cerita berlatar Indonesia
  5. Naskah diketik rapi dengan Ms.Word, font TNR 12, margin normal
  6. Dikirim ke email birdspuhlishing@yahoo.com dengan subjek LaAwards2016#Nama#Judul#Kategori#Tema
  7. Novel minimal 70 halaman maksimal bebas. Cerpen 5 halaman
  8. Penerimaan naskah dibuka 1 Juni 2016 dan ditutup 5 Juli 2016
  • Kategori Novel :
          *Juara 1
          *Uang tunai Rp.2.000.000
          *Kontrak Penerbitan
          *25 Bukti Terbit
          *T-Shirt dengan tema buku pemenang
          *Layanan penerbitan Gratis berlaku 1 Tahun

         *Juara 2
         *Uang tunai Rp.1.000.000
         *Kontrak Penerbitan
         *15 Bukti Terbit
         *Layanan penerbitan berlaku 6 bulan

         *5 Naskah terbaik        
         *Kontrak Penerbitan
         *Layanan penerbitan Gratis

  • Kartegori Cerpen
          *Juara 1
          *Uang tunai Rp.1.000.000
          *10 Bukti Terbit
          *Layanan penerbitan Gratis

          *Juara 2
          *Uang tunai Rp.500.000
          *5 Bukti Terbit
          *50 Kontributor naskah terbaik
          *1eks buku terbit
          *Sertifikat Penghargaan
Info lebih lanjut hub. https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009156746156&fref=nf&_rdr

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